Hackers have numerous opportunities to steal your private information daily
And you may not even be aware of it

In today’s world, it’s common for high-tech companies, internet service providers, mobile communications services, and software applications to use cryptographic systems to protect sensitive data. These systems use complex algorithms to ensure confidentiality and provide authentication and integrity checks.

However, despite robust security measures, data breaches and ransomware attacks remain a significant concern. These attacks can have severe consequences, such as losing or stealing sensitive data, financial harm, and reputational damage. Therefore, organizations must be proactive in safeguarding private information.

We have dedicated our time and expertise to helping these high-tech companies be quantum-safe by using our datasensing capabilities to protect cryptographic systems from modern AI-powered attacks. In this section of our website, we will provide real-life scenarios to explain the quantum-resistant protection we provide daily.

Let's take the first few minutes of your day as an example:

For instance, your home's automatic system may change the temperature from sleeping mode to daily living mode.
You are checking the news, social media, email, calendar, and messaging apps to prepare for your day.

All of this happens before your first cup of joe for the day. Point made.

We aim to demonstrate the weaknesses in our everyday lives and emphasize the significance of implementing NIST cybersecurity standards and guidelines for non-national security systems. This is important not only for the US industry but for the general public as well in order to comprehend the privacy risks associated with daily online interactions.