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Take Back Control of Your Private Data

Protecting Your Data, Your Way.

We at upStream AI are on a mission to help you take back control of your private data. Our cutting-edge technology empowers you to safeguard sensitive information from the point of connection to the internet to your network and the apps on your phone.


Challenges We Address

Today's World of Data Insecurity

In today’s world, cybercriminals are stealing your data in various ways, capturing private information that you share through work, personal, or social media exchanges. They can hack into your information anytime, anywhere, and through any device, leaving you vulnerable to ransomware campaigns and other malicious activities.

How upStream AI Protects You

With us, you can rest assured that your data is secure.

Our technology is designed to protect you from cyber threats, including those that occur

And many more.


Control Your Data

We understand that you depend on big-tech platforms to secure your information, but we believe that it’s time to take matters into your own hands. That’s why we’ve created You Control to give you an additional layer of privacy and security control. Trust us to keep your data safe and secure.